How long in advance should we book a newborn or baby photography session?
Hi, My name is Sana and I am an Award-Winning Newborn Photographer based in Melbourne.
I have so many clients ask me when they should be booking a session for their newborn to be photographed, especially when it is their first time ever inquiring about newborn photography.
There are variety of factors that need to be considered when looking to book a Newborn Photographers for your baby.
Although some parents really book in late and really leave it to chance, that is something I would not recommend. Why? Because you will find that the actual professional photographers that provide quality services will have their calendars booked way in advance.
Planning and editing only one newborn photography session can take up a lot of time. So most professional photographers will only actually book a handful of sessions each month. There are no promises that spots will be available last minute but if there are any cancellations, then you might find yourself in luck.
Can I wait until the baby is born to book in the newborn photography session?
I know moms-to-be have a lot going on, and booking a newborn photographer isn’t always at the top of the list. But finding a last minute spot with a newborn photographer is actually much more stressful. That is when most mothers give up on the idea of getting their baby photographed because they are already struggling themselves with a lot post delivery.
As a Newborn photographer, the last thing I want is for parents to miss out on this opportunity since these pictures will stay with you forever and serve as family heirlooms.
So my recommendation is to book in a newborn photography session in your 3rd trimester and it will give you one last thing to worry about. Once a session is booked, everything from there will be taken care of by your newborn photographer.
I’m not sure when baby will be born, so how do I know when to schedule the newborn photography session?
Babies run the show, and we don’t plan many details of the photography session until they are here in terms of the session date and time. All of the other stuff can be preplanned, like colors, props, poses, and more items related to planning the specifics of your newborn photography session.
Since babies are born on their own timeline, I let them dictate when we will schedule the session. That way we don’t have to guess when baby will be here, and also lets account for some flexibility after baby is born, on the chance mom or baby needs a little extra recovery time.
Ready to book your Newborn Portraits? Check our current offers here.